Contributions to disciplinary strengthening: Committee of Studies in Occupation 1995-2023 University of Chile


  • Laura Rueda Castro Universidad de Chile
  • Silvia Gómez Lillo



Higher education, ocupation, Bachelor's degree, Science


This work represents the genealogy of the development of teachers trained with the purpose of establishing the scientific bases of occupational therapy as a professional activity at the service of people's well-being; integrating the health care team. The University of Chile, One of its purposes is to promote the construction of varied spaces that generate new knowledge and innovate the already established. To fulfill this purpose, it promotes the construction of various spaces that generate new knowledge and innovate the already established knowledge. Occupational therapy, as a training field for professionals who participate in the country's social and health care teams, has its intellectual birth within this educational institution (1963) and since then has been developing and adjusting to the guidelines, a training program that has been progressing in the university's development. The creation of a committee for studies in Occupational Science (COECO) responds to the academic needs of the faculty of the School of Occupational Therapy, which requires placing the institutional mission in this context of knowledge. The particular aspects that the task takes on are to disseminate and adapt the theoretical knowledge that underpins the profession and thus consolidate the identity and integration of all the knowledge that the concept of “occupation” brings together.



How to Cite

Rueda Castro, L., & Gómez Lillo, S. . (2024). Contributions to disciplinary strengthening: Committee of Studies in Occupation 1995-2023 University of Chile. Electronic Journal of Research in University Teaching, 5(2), 222–251.



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