Critical incident web platform for reflective practice in university students




information technology, critical incidents, reflection, university student


The overall objective of this innovation experience was to renew a web platform of critical incidents (CI) with a multidisciplinary approach for reflective practice in students of the University of Antofagasta and Universities of the Council of Rectors of Chile enrolled in the Elective of Integral Formation (EFI) Critical Incidents in University Education. This project had three stages, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation, which resulted in the creation of video recordings that allow the analysis of CI in a collaborative manner, a technique guided by the teacher. Likewise, guidelines were developed to reveal the background, interpretations of those involved and solution measures. In addition, a manual of general guidelines for CI management in various university contexts. The three digital resources were validated by experts, teachers and students, obtaining a 98% agreement among the judges. Then, the web platform was validated by 30 EFI students by means of a self-administered questionnaire and five focus groups. In the first technique, 100% adherence to the maximum category of Very Good was obtained for structure, content, usability and navigability. In the second technique, it was recognized that this web page allows the development of self-reflection, collaborative reflection and autonomy, competencies necessary to adequately face similar events a posteriori.  In conclusion, this technological initiative implemented in the classroom is accessible, sustainable, useful and replicable to promote reflective spaces in the university environment.

Author Biography

You Christian Garmendia Ayala, Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile.

Master in Educational Multimedia

Graduate Diploma in Marketing and eCommerce.

Advertising/Graphic Designer
Web Designer (Front-End Programming)




How to Cite

Altamirano Droguett, J. E., & Garmendia Ayala, Y. C. . (2024). Critical incident web platform for reflective practice in university students. Electronic Journal of Research in University Teaching, 5(2), 01–36.



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