Situated strategies of the medical career to fulfill the Social Responsibility of the University with the community


  • Mariela Bellotti Universidad Nacional de Río Negro



university, social responsability, stake, higher education, commitment


Social Responsibility is a topic that has been widely debated in recent years in university cloisters, gaining great importance, which is why this work relates the actions carried out by the Medicine program at the National University of Río Negro (UNRN) - Headquarters. Andina carries it out, from the vision and action of the entry team of said race. The research developed is descriptive, non-experimental in nature, with field design; The data collection techniques were the registration of activities, using aspects of ethnography. The results obtained show that dissemination activities increased, enabling greater inclusion of students, in accordance with the needs and demands of the context. Understanding the responsibility of universities in general and of the medical career in particular means that actions related to social responsibility must be sharpened, encouraging the realization of a greater number of concrete actions to disseminate the career and diversifying the ways of carrying them out. cape.



How to Cite

Bellotti, M. (2024). Situated strategies of the medical career to fulfill the Social Responsibility of the University with the community. Electronic Journal of Research in University Teaching, 5(2), 71–92.



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