Design and validation of a teaching plan for the engineering faculty in a higher education institution in southern Chile.




engineering, didactics, active methodologies, higher education


The academic body assumes the responsibility of promoting educational innovations in accordance with the guidelines established in the educational models of higher education institutions. In this sense, a competency-based curricular model requires a didactic model relevant and coherent to professional training. The purpose of the research is to propose a validated teaching plan to guide the professional training of engineers at a higher education institution in southern Chile. A quantitative approach was used with a design-based research method, which involved three phases: define, build and validate. For the definition process, a systematic literature review based on PRISMA was used, in which a total of 85 articles were analyzed and the most used methodologies for engineering education were determined, such as project-based learning, simulation, gamification, problem-based learning. In the construction phase, a constructivist or alternative-investigative model was demonstrated, because it focuses learning on the students who build their knowledge through problems. The active methodologies were organized according to the type of learning scenario. The validation phase was carried out by expert judges in which two stages were shown: institutional validation and presentation to the Faculty of Engineering. In conclusion, a teaching plan will allow students to establish a relationship between theory and practice, enabling the construction of beliefs and perceptions regarding future professional performance.

Author Biographies

Andres Seguel Arriagada, Universidad del Biobio, Chile

Andrés Seguel Arriagada es Asesor Curricular de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad del Biobío. Asesora los procesos curriculares a nivel micro curricular de las carreras de pre y postgrado de la facultad. Su trabajo de investigación se centra en temáticas transversales al currículum como Inclusión, Diversidad e Identidad Sexual. Es Licenciado en Educación, Educador Diferencial y Psicopedagogo, Master in Sciences en Educación, Innovación Curricular y Evaluación Educativa. Actualmente se encuentra doctorando en educación en la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción.

Felipe Sandoval, Universidad del Biobio, Chile

Felipe Sandoval Torres es Ingeniero de Apoyo de la Escuela de Ingeniería Civil Industrial de la Universidad del Bío-Bío y docente a tiempo parcial de la misma casa de estudios. Dicta asignaturas del área de emprendimiento e innovación, además de monitorear indicadores de planes de desarrollo operativos, así como aquellos relacionados a procesos de autoevaluación de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil Industrial. Es Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Ingeniero Civil Industrial, Master en Innovación y Emprendimiento.



How to Cite

Seguel Arriagada, A., & Sandoval Torres, F. (2024). Design and validation of a teaching plan for the engineering faculty in a higher education institution in southern Chile. Electronic Journal of Research in University Teaching, 5(1), 164–199.



Scientific Articles (Empirical Studies)